Nachfolgend ein Auszug meiner Vorauswahl aus den über 75 verfügbaren Sessions:
Beyond the Banner: Advertising on the Web and Where It's Going
Advertising revenues in traditional venues like print magazines and television are declining, while online advertising is exploding. Advertisers want richer online ad platforms. Content providers want ads that maximize revenue without negatively impacting the user experience. What role will advertising play in "podcasting," "video blogging" and other emerging media? Join a panel of industry luminaries to discuss these and other issues.
Extending Your Experience to Mobile Devices
Extend your reach to the next billion potential customers by enabling them to consume your content and services from their mobile devices. We discuss what standards and devices are out there, some of lessons learned about designing for a small screen, and how to get your mobile presence up and running. See how Mobile AJAX works today-and you can tell us how "mobile AJAX" should work tomorrow.
From HTML to Services: Building a Site for REST, POX, RSS, SOAP, and WS-*
Your site is more than a collection of pages; it's a programmable platform that your users are leveraging in innovative new ways. Scraping, mashups, and RSS mean that your site is already a service, and the fastest, most flexible way to build that service is with Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). With WCF you can expose your site over a whole host of different transports and formats, ensuring that clients of all kinds can access your content. Use WCF to take your site to the next level and provide an optimized experience for all of your users.
The Future of Media and the Web
Open syndication formats and protocols, the rise of user-generated content, and advances in digital media technology are all changing the way that people incorporate media into their lifestyles. The changes give consumers more choice about how they mix and mash their media, and create new opportunities for publishers of microcontent and blockbusters alike. Come join our diverse panel of industry experts for a lively discussion about the implications of these trends.
Web 2.0: Show Me the Money
Mashups, gadget platforms, user-generated content and syndication technologies all put existing industries and business models at risk. Join the discussion with a panel of industry luminaries and find out where people are making money in the midst of these disruptions.
Tags: MIX06
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